Sunday, May 10, 2009

More labels - unique and intellectual labeling to avoid confusion when discharged from storage ((: Shoes are in there - OBVIOUSLY.

Fingerless gloves. Going and gone into isolation by next week.

I love the scent on my clothes. Mimics summer and cleanliness ((: I learn _____ (using a washing machine/anything else) well.

Shoes, near the door. Keep the room clean yo!

Desk - clutter makes life. Dresser - you know I love you, clutter.
... i told you i dig clutter! ((: Possibly by choice but maybe not. Dorms are too small to avoid the pile-up of clutter. Therefore, not by choice but for survival.

A dangerous type of ceiling. Watch for the inflicted damage.Note red dot in the middle. Knuckle of my middle finger - injury from the spiky ceiling. Lame.

Paper that I'm working on. Yes, still!

Right and now back to working on that paper. Happy Mothers' Day to all mothers ((:

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Is the weather today lovely? Not really, the wind was so strong I had to hold the pole to keep my balance! However, a lovely rainbow appeared outside my window. It really made my day ((:
The rainbow pathway to my heart.

Dorm window for Halloween ((:

Standing on the rooftop and scream your heart out.

Sunsets around school - my new fave!

I see London, I see Sam's Town

Monday, May 04, 2009

Skirt and harem leggings from
Packing of winterwear (nice labels!)
Goggles from chem lab - it's over and done with. YES!(coupled with hand-pumping motion)
Carrots for lunch - i need my vitamin A!

I am supposed to be working on my papers but got sidetracked... (un)fortunately. Weather out today is lovely! I never appreciated the warmth and the sun rays in Singapore (forget skin cancer!) but now I do. Got a package today - did shopping. I love getting packages! They're like presents! I rush with it to my room and rip it open to reveal fun stuff that I bought online.

Decided to blog after taking pictures of the stuff I bought then it's back to work on my papers. 1 due later at 530pm and 2 tmrw! Home in 11 days ((: