Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

More labels - unique and intellectual labeling to avoid confusion when discharged from storage ((: Shoes are in there - OBVIOUSLY.

Fingerless gloves. Going and gone into isolation by next week.

I love the scent on my clothes. Mimics summer and cleanliness ((: I learn _____ (using a washing machine/anything else) well.

Shoes, near the door. Keep the room clean yo!

Desk - clutter makes life. Dresser - you know I love you, clutter.
... i told you i dig clutter! ((: Possibly by choice but maybe not. Dorms are too small to avoid the pile-up of clutter. Therefore, not by choice but for survival.

A dangerous type of ceiling. Watch for the inflicted damage.Note red dot in the middle. Knuckle of my middle finger - injury from the spiky ceiling. Lame.

Paper that I'm working on. Yes, still!

Right and now back to working on that paper. Happy Mothers' Day to all mothers ((:

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Is the weather today lovely? Not really, the wind was so strong I had to hold the pole to keep my balance! However, a lovely rainbow appeared outside my window. It really made my day ((:
The rainbow pathway to my heart.

Dorm window for Halloween ((:

Standing on the rooftop and scream your heart out.

Sunsets around school - my new fave!

I see London, I see Sam's Town

Monday, May 04, 2009

Skirt and harem leggings from
Packing of winterwear (nice labels!)
Goggles from chem lab - it's over and done with. YES!(coupled with hand-pumping motion)
Carrots for lunch - i need my vitamin A!

I am supposed to be working on my papers but got sidetracked... (un)fortunately. Weather out today is lovely! I never appreciated the warmth and the sun rays in Singapore (forget skin cancer!) but now I do. Got a package today - did shopping. I love getting packages! They're like presents! I rush with it to my room and rip it open to reveal fun stuff that I bought online.

Decided to blog after taking pictures of the stuff I bought then it's back to work on my papers. 1 due later at 530pm and 2 tmrw! Home in 11 days ((:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Penne Rustica at Macaroni Grill - Friday night dining ((: Was good and so was the bread! I loved the salty crust. Look at my potato man too - the dining table was covered in drawing paper and arrows and eyes were towards Nat. Very hilarious. The eyes disturbed her!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rabid squirrel!
Apple Box
Noise pollution!
Pinkberry ((:
Times Square
Recruitment Office in the middle of Times Square..
Hor fun and prawn mee! I cant get them in minn - what a shame!
Donald Trump's Bldg
Candy Wall - Rows of M&Ms!
Confucius in NYC - wow!
(Pls match the captions yourself - the pics confuse me)

Since someone complained, I'm going to update. ((: