Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Zettai Kareshi

I like this show, really. it's pretty awesome the way 01 'evolves' from a mindless programmed robot into Tenjo Night - a roman (robot human)with true feelings, an ego, willpower and all.

Trust the Japanese to come up with something like these but the social responsibilities and effects are monumental. I doubt society is ready for something like 01 (the love robot) but probably ready for a sex robot. No love entanglements (at least not necessarily) and legal tussles (from unwanted pregnancies.. but maybe rape?). whatever, i don't care. The show's nice and it helps that the soundtrack rocks too!

Friday, July 04, 2008


that's the muscle group that's hardly ever worked.
i feel really really unfit today after pilates class.
it's only the first lesson and already my muscles have been stretched, ironed, grinded till they become something i don't really recognise.
it's not a physical fatigue but a muscular one.
it's ironic but it's the most apt description. ((:

3 more lessons of achey muscles - here i come!