Monday, December 08, 2008

3 reports and 1 assignment due tomorrow!
Reports at 9 am and the assignment at 11am.
I ain't started on the assignments and the reports are semi-done.

It's going to be fun. Overnight homework marathon again ((:
AWESOME stuff!

I don't know why. I keep telling myself to do it and I did... Opened Microsoft Word and typed in my name and assignment title then I left it hanging. Watched the Suite Life on Deck, Terroir, World that they live in and When it's at night. Yeah, it's awesome to catch up on shows but this is pre-FINALS week. Hello, some urgency? Hell no.

Excellent. I got more socks today. Just so absolutely in love with OTKs and thigh-highs. Keeps me warm too. The-girl-who-doesn't-wear-pants - I think this title is hilarious! Hell, I do have pants on okay? I'm not a scandalous leggings-only person!

Snow pictures! Fresh snow (It's substituable with blood; i LOVE how it sounds)


There's a cup on the tree. Darned cup-thieves!